Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Lens Village Review - Gothic 3 Tones, EOS DollyEye Circle Lenses

Hi Sweethearts,

Hope you're all doing well!

I have a couple of things that I'm itching to post about, the first of which is a review of some new lenses that I got through last week from www.lensvillage.com
I've been looking for a more natural set of Circle lenses that will enhance my eyes, as I want to have a more mature, Onee-gyaru style going on. Big, cute colourful lenses just wouldn't work for that, as much as I adore them.

After a lot of browsing the LensVillage store, I finally settled on Gothic 3 Tones, from EOS - DollyEye, in Blue, to add a little extra oomph to my natural eye colour.

After ordering, the lenses arrived in just over a week, which is great considering that they're coming from Asia.

How they arrived:

Once again, my lenses came in perfect condition with a little card and super cute animal lens case to keep them in. They arrived securely wrapped in bubble wrap to avoid any bumps or damage in the post - but I haven't taken a photo this time round of that, though you can see this on my last lens village review here!

This is what the lenses look like in the case. Admittedly, they're not as bright as the stock image (unworn), but the real images of them on the site below were a perfect match to what I received - I'm happy that they aren't as bright as the stock type image, as they wouldn't look as nice that way.

Here are the specs for them:

Power Available : 0.00 to -10.00

Price: £14.60 (pair)
Life Span : 1 Year
Diameter : 14.5mm
Manufacturer : EOS
Origin : South Korea
Lenses is manufactured by EOS and labelled under DollyEye. 
They come in a choice of 9 different colours - that's really great news, as I'd like to try out a different colour of them too.
   Price wise, they're also very reasonable, considering that they can last up to a year if properly taken care of, and my monthly prescription lenses from the opticians are £15 per month! 

Here is a little selfie of my natural eyes before putting the lenses in! 

Putting the lenses in: 

I found these lenses to be really delicate and soft, which is great for me as they were super easy to put in and really comfortable to wear once the initial annoyance of poking myself in the eye was over with.
 I wore these all day (8hours) without any issues, so I'm very happy with that.

I also love the subtle difference that they make to my eyes - they're very natural and not "in your face" circle lenses, so these aren't for you if you want a massive change.

Here are my eyes & lenses in different situations: 

As you can see, they give a slight enlarging effect, but without the hard black ring around the edge, so they look a lot more natural and, for me, grown up.

I really like the subtle colour boost that comes from them - they have that "pop" without being overdone and I really love that.
These are the type of lenses I'm more comfortable wearing on a more regular basis, and with my Onee-Gyaru style, which I feel suits me a lot better.

Here are a few pics with the lenses in: 

...and a little picture of todays' outfit!
Dress: Primark (I got it on sale for £5)
Belt: Primark (came with another dress)
Jewellery set: Primark (£4)

Overall Verdict:

Look: 4/5 (only because the stock photo showed brighter, in reality they're pretty perfect)
Fit: 5/5
Comfort: 5/5
Service: 5/5

I really like these lenses for more subtle looks, and will be wearing them regularly, though I'm very tempted to try the other colours in this range!

So, what do you all think?  Do you prefer the more natural look circle lenses, or the really dolly, cute type?

Have you used these lenses before - let me know in the comments below!

Love, Kasumi x


  1. You look great both with and without lenses! These ones are really natural, too. It's surprising that 14.5mm lenses looks so normal on you. XD Probably the lack of the black limbal ring, I suppose!

    I sometimes like unusual colours, but recently like a slightly more natural design rather than the crazily-enlarging ones. I recently got and reviewed some natural brown lenses which I'm in love with! ♡

    1. Thank you! ^_^ I think the lack of black limbal ring does make a difference for sure! I naturally have pretty big eyes too, my normal seeing lenses are 14.2, so not that much of a difference in terms of size - https://instagram.com/p/ePINdFy-h8/?taken-by=kasumi_hime I noticed the same thing with g&g Shinny (puffy 3 tone) a few years ago in terms of looking quite normal sizewise, though the colour was more vibrant.

      I absolutely adore brown eyes, so like to have a brown set of lenses on hand too - it's time for me to renew my current brown ones, so defo going to check out your review of them ^_^

  2. The natural light in your eyes are mesmerizing! I wish I could change between light and dark eyes without it looking obvious :(

    You eye makeup is also on point and amazing ^_^

  3. They look good on you and I love your makeup.

  4. OMG your natural eye colour is so nice! As Nicole said, I also wish I could alternate between light and dark colours w/o it being obvious >.< I've recently got blue lenses as well so I'll see how that goes.

    Are you wearing false lashes by any chance? But as always, makeup is on pointttttt :D

    1. Aww thank you! Yes, I'm wearing top and bottom lashes. Top ones are Eyelashes by Invogue that I picked up in my local Tesco supermarket (volumise #3) and the bottom lashes are Pa Dolly Love set of 10 mixed styles : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-PAIRS-PERFECT-DIFFERENT-DESIGN-LOWER-BOTTOM-CURLED-EYE-LASHES-FALSE-EYELASHES-/391040473682?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5b0bd41a52

  5. Love the lenses, beautiful colour. Your outfit is amazing~

    Clairey x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Interesting review, cute lenses^^

    New post ♥
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