Hi Sweethearts,
This is probably going to be a really long post, but I figured that it would be better to have 1 big post as opposed to constant updates that may well be pretty annoying!
As some of you may know (you can find snippets on my instagram), I've been having some horrible thoughts about myself in regards to my appearance, and more often than not: my weight.
After feeling sorry for myself and trying to bury my head in the sand, I decided that I really couldn't keep going through the same cycle and decided to make some lifestyle changes.
Also, because I don't really manage to stick to things terribly well without a good motivator, I had to think of something, and set a challenge that I couldn't back out of.
So I did.
It must have been a stroke of genius, or that my brain actually functioned for a change, because I came up with the great idea of doing a latex lingerie photoshoot with my girl Louise Cantwell - check out her amazing work here: Louise Cantwell Photography
My deadline was 6 weeks to straighten myself out, with the shoot planned for Valentines Day!
(my other half and I are going to celebrate on the Tuesday instead, since we're both off work that day as he works weekends and I work Monday, then Wed-Sat)So let's see how I did!
My start appearance:
Contrary to what people believe, I'm not "thin" as people think, and a lot of people are indeed really shocked by the reality of my weight and shape.
I'm a naturally pear shaped girl, with short short legs (29") and a long torso, so I'm really disproportionate, which doesn't help matters. Most of my excess weight is concentrated to my legs & ass, which upsets me on so many levels - I spend so much time dressing to make my legs look thinner & longer so that I look proportionate.So much disgusting cellulite - yuck!!!!!!
I've had a period of what can only be described as sheer laziness and depression (I'm actually a BPD suffer) which led me to take comfort in junk food due to self hatred, which then made matters worse and so the circle continued...
Something definitely had to give, and I started to make different lifestyle choices.
- Switched Junk Food for healthy, home cooking
- Reduced portion sizes (I was eating the same amount as 2 people put together)
- Stopped late night eating (no later than 9pm)
- Consciously made the effort to drink more water
- Do weights/squats/crunches etc at home most days of the week.
- Spin Classes a 3 times a week.
Spin Class:
I already had Gym membership but my anxiety issues meant that after it was remodelled I could no longer go (I have a fear of being judged and commented on by men in weight areas, and used to avoid it when the weights were in a separate room due to past experiences.) so instead I thought I'd try Spin classes as they were mostly full of women and felt a lot less judgemental.
After my first time, my ass was sore for 2 days straight due to not having been on a bicycle in years! At the same time, I really loved the atmosphere in the class and being pushed in the right direction, so very quickly found myself hooked!
I'd been going at least twice a week since the summer, but I found that my workload over the festive period stopped me from going for weeks in a row, so I was so glad to get back into it for the new year. (I know, I'm one of those 'new year, new me' people)I've been going 3 nights a week since the year began, and I fell in love with it all over again - I've even gotten the confidence to talk to other classmates!
Go me!
I'm also working out every evening at home for a while, to do some things that I don't get to do eg. weights, crunches, squats etc. On that note, I've been hooked on the Inner Thigh Workout from Cassey @ Blogilates, you should check it out! It's so hard - it took me until my 3rd try to finish it!
Inner Thigh Workout from Cassey @ Blogilates
Inner Thigh Workout from Cassey @ Blogilates
Shedding the weight/getting in shape:
I'm always so focused on the numbers on the scale - and I've found that that's the wrong approach for me to take. Fuck the numbers, lets have a good, hard look at how my body is shaping up.Note: Please ignore my carpet - the little black patches are cast off fur from my cat since she likes to roll around/sleep in front of the radiator. I could hoover twice a day and the carpet would be messed up the minute I turn around again -_- My flat gets renovated in April, so cannot wait to buy a carpet that's kinder on showing the car fut!
Week 1:
Ok, Here's a pic from the start to the end of the first week. The bloating & water retention is starting to go away after giving up all the takeaways/alcohol/pastries/sweets etc. My stomach isn't as high and bloaty. Starting to feel a little bit better.
Week 2:
The swelling/bloating seems to have went right down in the past 2 weeks. This is from week 1 end to week 2 end, and you can see everything is getting a little flatter. My butt seems to have perked up a little too.
This is where I started to worry - if my body changed that drastically so quickly, it's bound to plateau for a while, right? I wondered how I'd be able to cope with it.Week 3:
So, the plateau-ing thing happened...sortof. I was quite disappointed that there wasn't a big change again this week, despite doing really well and not falling off the wagon at all.
This is the week where I've upped the exercise routine to include home workouts like squats, lunges, crunches, weights, planks etc instead of just 3 spins a week. I feel like in doing this, I expected more change...but Rome wasn't built in a day, right?
I don't know if I'm kidding myself, but I can spot a wee definition line at the top centre of my stomach...can you guys see it?
Sadly, I did weigh myself - and I'm somewhere between 58-59kg, which I suppose is better than 60+, but there's really been no change in my weight despite the big shape change. A bit gutted.
Week 4:
So I finally lost weight, which takes me to 57kg! I had actually given up on the idea of losing weight as I'd gained or stayed the same for the past while, so this was a nice boosting surprise.
I think the main thing is that I'm trying to cut down on rice/heavy carbs to help things along a bit.
Not too sure how helpful the protein shakes are, but I think I can see some more definition starting to creep in - my stomach tattoo is stretching back to where it's meant to be. (Yes, I use my tattoos as an indicator of my body shape/weightloss or gain)
What's really starting to get to me, is that my thighs aren't slimming down! OMG SO frustrating! They're mostly solid muscle, but my inner thighs are fatty and just bubble out. I hate it. :( I can't wear shorts, tight fitting skirts etc because they rub together and chafe/rash so badly, especially in summer.
Trying to find some sort of exercise that will help get rid of the chub...I really don't want to have to consider lipo.
Week 5:
Ok, this is where I start to feel a mixed bag of emotions.
On one hand I'm pleased that from the front my stomach looks more toned and that I've finally found a wee thigh gap of sorts.
My arm muscles are starting to come along, so I've dubbed them "baby guns" for a laugh - but I'm really pleased to have some muscle coming along.
On the other hand, from the side my stomach isn't looking so good - it looks bloaty and chubby again.
I wonder if it's because of my rice intake after having CNY dinner the night before.
Going to cut down my carb intake again to see if that resolves the issue - I know that my body doesn't really like rice all that much, so I'm hoping that it's just a blip and that the next week will see the side view improve.
Week 6:
I finally made it to the end of the first 6 weeks!
I'm super proud of myself for sticking in at it for this long, as I usually fall behind at week 5.
Now the quest is on to keep it up for another 6 weeks which will be extra tough! After I get slimmer I usually end up relaxing a bit, then spiral back into my food and lazy fat lifestyle.
From week 5-6 I think I've tightened up a bit more, but the difference isn't huge. I can definitely start to see more muscles appearing which is spurring me on to keep working on it.
Now for the fun part - the before and after collage....
I'm super proud of myself for sticking in at it for this long, as I usually fall behind at week 5.
Now the quest is on to keep it up for another 6 weeks which will be extra tough! After I get slimmer I usually end up relaxing a bit, then spiral back into my food and lazy fat lifestyle.
From week 5-6 I think I've tightened up a bit more, but the difference isn't huge. I can definitely start to see more muscles appearing which is spurring me on to keep working on it.
Now for the fun part - the before and after collage....
I love this! You look amazing. I'm on the journey to be fit as well because I gained about 30 lbs in the past 2 years. What do you think helped you the most with the weightloss? I seem to only do good for a couple of days and get hungry again :( also did you use anything to help with the cellulite because after week 6, it looks like it's all gone!
Thank you so much!!! ^_^
DeleteI think the thing that helped the most was not looking at the scales, and focusing on my body shape instead. I'd get upset if my weight wouldn't change, or if I gained a kilo instead of losing - yet my body changed, so I don't think the numbers are as important as we're ingrained into thinking.
I've found switching from eating rice everyday to eating things like turnip/veggies/sweet potatoes, and cut down my portion sizes to a normal person portion.
The cellulite is still there, unfortunately! Luckily it seems to have reduced a good bit somehow! I still have it on my bum if I tense up, and my inner thighs are still a bit sketchy if I press them together - desperately working on that though!
I think building the muscle on my thighs from spin is helping it a lot though!
After spin I have a protein shake, which I go to 3 times a week - it's one for 'Lean Definition' http://shop.maxinutrition.com/maxinutrition/lean-definition/lean-1000
The strawberry flavour is delicious!
Wow the change is amazing. I need to start to work out again too o_o Thanks for the entry!